There is no bigger fashion fopaux to me then someone wearing a suit with white socks. Call me a snob but I just think it's ridiculous. Every day I see guys wearing really nice suits that look foolish once their bleach white athletic socks peak out from their pant legs. Well, last night I was waiting at a traffic light when this guy pulled up:
I told Huyen why I was taking the picture and she agreed that it looked really silly to wear white socks with suits (she is in the sock business so she knows what she's talking about). However, Huyen told me that some Vietnamese guys think that by showing their white socks it gives off the impression that they are wealthy because they have brand new sparkling white socks. Lets chalk it up to a cultural difference.
I'm gonna have to call you a snob. j/k
Michael Jackson always wore white socks and proudly showed them off. I also like wearing white socks as they're more comfortable than dress socks.
im ashamed
ive always worn white socks with suits and Im in the US
Ive often found dress socks to be frumpy/old man looking with their patterns/designs. it offsets the sleekness of the simple black/white suit. then again I usually prefer it if the socks didn't show at all unless they had to
then which color should be suitable?
It depends on what color clothing and shoes you're wearing. BLACK dress socks is always the safest bet though. White sports socks are never a good fashion idea for suits/slacks.
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