(PICTURE: Yes, my bike helmet is on this guy's head...backwards.)
Every now and then I stop in at this pho shop near my gym. The food there isn't particularly good but the service is excellent. By "service" I mean the waiters/cook/every-hand-on-deck basically runs outside shouting, "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hello! Hello! How are you! Hey! Hey!" every time I pull my bicycle up to the shop.
The last time I went, everyone started to laugh about how tall my bicycle is. One of the waiters asked if he could take it for a spin and I gave him the thumb's up. He quickly put on my helmet in what could only be attempt to mock me. However, he put it on backwards which now allows me to mock him. Ha! You put my helmet on backwards!
Before I knew it, all of the waiters were taking my bike out for a ride around the block. Perhaps coincidentally my bike chain broke within a day or so of these guys joy riding on my sweet ride.