Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thankful For The Little Things

I have friends who have dated/are dating/married to girls with some serious perks. One of my buddies dated a girl with a private jet. Another is dating a girl whose family owns a deli (and he is perhaps the only person in the world who likes deli more than me). Another is dating someone with access to season tickets to sports team he likes. Another dates a girl who gets him free clothing (actually I sort of do too with my now never ending supply of socks from Huyen's job). Other friends have moved in with girls with sweet digs and other have dated girls with a car in New York City -- a rarity in Manhattan. Others have dated girls with beach houses or time-shares or just family homes in the 'burbs with a swimming pool. All those things are great, but when I'm in the countryside of Vietnam and my stomach starts to act like Mt. Vesuvius, I wouldn't trade my girlfriend's family's toilet for any of those things.