(PICTURE: Huyen wearing a traditional Vietnamese dress in front of The Temple of Literature)
So Huyen (the girl who asked me if I "was going to make water") and I have hung out a couple more times recently. She and her sister came over on Tuesday night and cooked an amazing house-warming dinner for Ryan and I. Then yesterday she swung by during the day to talk for a little while and to drink fresh melon shakes.
Now the question is, how many times does it take for a boy and a girl in Vietnam to hang out before they are considered boyfriend and girlfriend?
In case you're wondering here are Huyen's stats:
Age: 23
Occupation: College Student at the University of Hanoi; finishing her thesis in economics.
Languages: Vietnamese (A+), Russian (A+), English (B), French (C+), Japanese (C+)
Height: 5'7 or 5'8. She's a giant out here.
Extra Curricular Activities: Badminton, Cooking, Riding her motorbike, going to the movies, hanging out with family.
One negative about Huyen is that she literally might kill me. Yesterday I made a joke about her bothering me and she started to strangle me and said, "You are so mean!" I'll keep you posted on this budding romance. If it does turn into marriage, I expect everyone to fly out for the wedding.