Thursday, February 4, 2010

Big Goofy White Guy

There are countless times that I feel like a big goofy white guy in Hanoi. There are low ceilings here that make me feel like giant, small motorbikes that I imagine appear as if I'm a cowboy riding a pony and packed sidewalks that often have me doing contortions to maneuver around.

The other day took the cake for my goofiness though. After eating lunch at a local outdoor rice shop, I inadvertently stepped into an alley way of wet cement right next to the shop. I only took two steps before I realized that the ground below me was complete mush. It seemed that every person in the shop turned and looked at me during my moment of realization and started to shake their head at the same time. I backtracked onto the solid surface and began to apologize in Vietnamese. To whom I was supposed to apologize I wasn't sure. Finally a woman selling gum on the street began to frantically wave at me to get away. I think she was trying to save me from the construction workers who would not be happy that my size 10.5 sneaker imprints were cast into their new alley.

In my goofy defense, there was no rope blocking off the alley!


mom with big feet too said...

A detective wouldn't have much trouble finding YOU. Maybe you'll start a Hanoi sidewalk of the stars like the Hollywood one in your old neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Ben, One thing about the "real" Walt Disney character is the fact that of all the characters Disney Sudious created over these many years, Goofy remains near the top of the list of the most beloved cartoon characters of all time. Your posting helped make me laugh at a tie when I need all the laughs I can get. Watch your step! (It could always have been worse. I could have been a big fresh pile of dog Sh=t! Take care Ben. Warmest Regards, LHinKY

Anonymous said...

LMFAO @ side walk of the stars XD

Benjamin said...

I forgot to write on here that when I told Huyen this story she obviously laughed at me a lot...then that night she stepped in a sidewalk that was also fresh cement!