Monday, January 4, 2010

LH in KY

This morning I awoke to a comment from my longtime reader LH in KY. For those of you who read my blog daily, you know that LH in KY is a Vietnam Veteran who often posts extremely insightful comments on my blog. When LH started to read my blog it really took my blogging to the next level as I constantly thought to myself, "I hope my mom and LH in KY like this post."

LH in KY has asked all of my readers to pray and send peaceful thoughts to his family who are going through a tough time right now. I hope that everyone can just take a moment after reading this and think of LH and his family.

LH, if you ever want to write a more private email to discuss anything my email is: [REDACTED]

Peace be with you and your family, LH.


Laura said...

LH--you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. i hope you all get thru this difficult time.

Hannah said...

Thinking of you, LH. Your insightful comments have made a big impact on all the Augusts.