Friday, January 29, 2010


(PICTURE: Hong fruit.)

As I'm sure my mother will comment on, as a youngster I loved climbing trees. In the backyard of my first house on Longacre Drive, we had two evergreen trees. I'm pretty sure I climbed each tree about 1,000 times. In fact, I think me climbing those trees may be one reason my mother went a tad gray (before her hair naturally turned back to brown).

The morning after my day of horrific stomach pain, Huyen's dad force-fed me hong fruit. We don't have this fruit in America so I'm not sure what the English name for it is.
I like hong fruit but I was a tad skeptical when Hong, Huyen's father, encouraged me to eat it. A week or two earlier Huyen and I ate this fruit in Hanoi and Huyen told me that it was a good source of fiber. I'm no doctor but loading up on fiber when one has horrific dirrhea just doesn't seem like a good idea. However, Hong encouraged me to eat four hong. Well, they did the trick. After eating the fruit I felt a lot better...although it might also have been because I ate four bowls of plain rice and took anti-diarrhea medicine too.

(PICTURE: Hong collecting hong.)

Later that afternoon, Huyen's parents suggested that we go to her old house and pick hong fruit from their garden. As Huyen and I started to leave, her father said he was coming along. Now, I love my father and think he's an amazing man but there's no way he could do what Huyen's father did on this day. Huyen's dad scampered up the hong trees and collected a huge bag worth of hong. Hong (again Huyen's Dad, not the fruit) is 57 years old and easily climbed these trees way better than I ever could climb when I was in my climbing prime...roughly eight years old.

(PICTURE: That's me climbing about fifteen feet lower than Huyen's dad.)


mom of Longacre tree cllimber said...

So curious mom here googled "hong" and found out 2 things:
1. Ahoy Hanoi shows up since your blog title was "Hong"

2. Hong is known also as persimmon which comes in varieties (Shop Rite has the red one) and is known in oriental medicine for relieving high blood pressure and ABDOMINAL PAIN.

Benjamin said...

Really? It's a persimmon! I ate so many persimmon in Japan but they were orange. There are also red and yellow persimmon in Vietnam.

Your google skills are amazing, mom!

googling mom said...

good teachers :) The computer was the best present I ever bought myself.

Anonymous said...

It's called Hong Xiem, not just Hong. Hong alone is persimmon, Hong Xiem is sapodilla.


Anonymous said...

yes , Hong is totally different from the fruit you mentioned in this post, its name is Hong Xiem

Benjamin said...

Thanks for letting me know. This is exactly why I'm terrible at Vietnamese. Huyen tells me something is called "X" and then I start to call it "X." Weeks go by and then I say "X" and Vietnamese people say, "What? That's Y."

Anonymous said...

I believe sapodilla and persimmon are close cousins.