10. Upon arriving at the house my father immediately saying hello to Huyen's parents and pointing at Justin's feet and saying, "dirty." (They were dirty, as were mine, because we got sprayed by the truck we had just helped push out of a ditch). Justin then said out loud, "Has anyone told them what just happened with the stuck car or do they think you're just saying I'm a filthy animal?"
9. Watching my parents sit on the ground to eat. I can honestly say I don't think I've ever seen my parents sit on the ground to do anything.
8. My Dad's back/legs starting to hurt while sitting on the ground (see #9 above) so we moved him into a chair. He sat above everyone else like a king (I think he's practicing for his Mayor of Livingston role which is scheduled to start in January '09).
7. Trying to explain to Huyen's family that my father doesn't drink beer and that my parents can't eat grapefruit because of the medication they are on. These just aren't things that translate in Vietnamese.
6. Huyen's father playing the guitar for us while we ate.
5. Managing to not break any of the ceramic goods scattered all throughout the house. Huyen's parents sell China and their goods are stacked everywhere. Between Justin and I, I think we banged into at least a half dozen pots and luckily not one cracked.
4. The Nguyen's telling us that, "Having [us] at their house is the happiest [they've] been in a long time."
3. My father singing "The Itzy Bitsy Spider" to Huyen's nephew instead of responding to Huyen's Dad who tried multiple times to do a cheers with my Dad's coke (see #7 in regards to the Coke).
2. Huyen's family telling us that, "They always thought foreign families were not close. But now they see they are." Huyen's parents also told Huyen that they can see my parents are very kind people.
1. The Taxi Driver asking in Vietnamese in front of everyone , and translated by Huyen, "So you want to marry a Vietnamese girl?"
Hail King August!! What was the food? it looked really good.
was he playing Clapton?
Chicken, Fish, Papaya salad, tofu, vegetables, watermelon, grapes, grapefruit, beer, tea, and a couple other things.
It was weirdly nirvana. He loves their unplugged stuff.
We had a lovely lunch at Huyen's parents home and enjoyed being with the locals and seeing how they live. Their hospitality was very much appreciated, especially after such a difficult day on the road.
Does this mean that I don't have to do Passover anymore?!!
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