Thursday, July 24, 2008

Worm Noodles

The other night Huyen took me out for one of her favorite dishes: Worm Noodles. Yeah, it is just like it sounds. It's noodle soup with worms. Or if you're a pessimist, it's worms with noodle soup. Being the fearless adventurer I am, I had to try it.


Anonymous said...

She won't eat an omelette or hamburger, but she will eat worms. What on earth will Huyen eat if she comes to visit the U.S.?

Anonymous said...

Wish I didn't watch this after I just finished dinner! Please tell me what restaurant this is and what the dish is called so I make sure to avoid it.

Benjamin said...

According to all Vietnamese people the best food is Vietnamese. You could eat Vietnamese pork dung and it's better than Peter Luger's according to them.

The dish is called LUON. Don't worry, it's not on my visitor tour.

Anthony said...

Ben, I am really enjoying these videos. The thing I like best about them is that you are always wearing the same exact shirt. Do you own just one or are there multiple versions of that shirt?

Benjamin said...

It was only a matter of time before someone noticed that. I have a rotation of six t-shirts. However, sometimes I shoot two videos in one day...or four in one case.

Anonymous said...


As your newest viewer of Ahoy Hanoi, I am thoroughly impressed. Not as much about the blog, but more about your ability to maintain a relationship with what seems to be a normal woman. Congrats to you!!

Because of my recent readership, I have gone back through the blog and am now prepared to present what I think are the highlights of your experience from an outside perspective...

1 - 'Nam Cribs - The tour of your girlfriend's pad was truly inspiring from a reverse psychology perspective.

2 - School's Out - The thought of you representing the English speaking world to a small group of impressionable vietnamese citizens scares the shit out of me.

3 - The Noodles - It reminded me of the story about the scorpions. I like that story.

God Bless America.


Anonymous said...

It isn't worm, it's a kind of fish. It named "EEL" in English and the favourite food of eal is worm, hehe. Hien called WORM? We don't eat worm :-) Hehe, u tasted one of favourite dishes of Jananese, Korean, Chinese...and nowhere this dish is cheap as in Vietnam :-)

Benjamin said...

It was definitely worm. I have eaten eel out here too. The worms were friend so they were crispy but they were worm length. Worm thickness. And worm like in all aspects! Next I'll eat the crickets!

Benjamin said...

I stand corrected: Huyen said to me today, "Oh those aren't worms. They are eels."