Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Second Conditional

Tonight I taught the second conditional to my Pre-Intermediate 3 Teenager Class. If you don't know what the second conditional is don't feel bad -- I taught myself the second conditional about fifteen minutes before class started.

Basically the second conditional is this simple formula:

IF + subject + past simple, Subject + would + infinitive verb....

After I teach a grammar point I always ask my students to think up a sentence using that grammar point. I then go around the class to make sure everyone understands what we just learned. Well, here were the first three examples I got from my students:

1. If I (subject) had (past simple) a gun, I (subject) would kill (infinitive verb) everyone here.

2. If I (subject) were (past simple) you, I (subject) would kill (infinitive verb) myself.

3. If I (subject) had (past simple) an army, I (subject) would destroy (infinitive verb) America.

Yes, each one of these answers in America would surely lead to expulsion/police surveillance/heavy psych medications. However here all the other students just think it's hilarious. I laughed too but it was definitely a nervous laughter.

I did feel a little more at ease a few minutes later when the student who said #3 answered the question, "If you could live anywhere, where would you live?" with this response: "If I could live anywhere, I would live in the White House." This made me think he didn't hate America/Americans that badly....although as I'm typing this it occurs to me that he'd probably live there after he destroyed America.


Anonymous said...

Man, are you gonna love teaching the superlative!

The CHIMP said...

This post belongs in the BLOGGING HALL OF FAME.

I JUST READ IT 3 times with my roomate and only one of us is high, but both are laughing.