Saturday, June 21, 2008

ZEV: Do Not Try This At Home

I often say to myself here, "I would never do this at home." Well, yesterday
I found myself doing something I would NEVER EVER do at home. Zev, do not -- I repeat, DO NOT -- ever do this with my niece:

Yeah, that's right, I drove my motorbike with Huyen and her nephew. Yes, three of us on a bike. Huyen told me she wanted to take her nephew to the park so I agreed. When I showed up at her house she said she wanted me to drive. I told her that it made me very uncomfortable and I did not want to because I thought it was extremely unsafe. Using her best lawyer skills she argued that it was much more dangerous for her to drive her nephew herself. Dammit, that's a good argument. I reluctantly agreed and drove us to the park. Hey, at least the kid was wearing a helmet, right? He's one of like 18 kids who actually wears a helmet in Hanoi.

By the way, on the way home, the kid fell asleep on the motorbike. I mean, really! These kids are a different breed. Can you imagine falling asleep on a bicycle in the middle of insane traffic and thousands of horns blaring?

My internet is back! I'll be posting all week....


Anonymous said...

Baby isn't even born yet and we are putting restrictions on her! YOU BET!!!

Anonymous said...

its great you didn't fall asleep like you use to do when you were 3.

Benjamin said...

I had the same thought, Dad. The baby woke up just as we were pulling into the house...just like I used to.

Anonymous said...

But we just got our motorcycle baby seat!!