Monday, April 6, 2009


From time to time I've commented about the traffic in Hanoi. Okay, I've commented about it a lot (including yesterday). However, I need to get my jibes in because in just a few years Hanoi will have no traffic problems. That's right, the city is getting a mass transit system.

Check out this youtube video of the plans for Hanoi's monorail which they'll be breaking ground on next year: MONORAIL VIDEO

There are tons of funny things about the video but I'll just comment on one: why are all the people white?

The cool thing is that the monorail will stop right next to Language Link. If you watch the video Language Link is the building directly to the right of the Horisson Hotel. If I'm still working at Language Link -- say around 2064 when this thing is completed -- the train will be quite convenient.


Baby Songer said...

As I'm sure you know, there was a Simpsons episode about this years ago. How'd that work out for Springfield and Shelbyville?

Benjamin said...

I'm well aware of that. I also heard someone say -- and this is just hearsay -- that the monorail in Seattle is the most lucrative public transportation in the world.