(PICTURE: This man was as perplexed at the size of this fish as I was.)
Heading into Tokyo, the only sight I really wanted to see was the Tsukiji fish market. Tsukiji is the famous market in Tokyo where all the fresh fish is sold every morning. In retrospect, I'm not sure going to the market was such a great idea. Honestly, my rationale at the time was that I love sushi so it would be cool to see where it comes from. Well, this was faulty logic. The sushi comes from the sea, not from Tsukiji. Tsukiji is basically an enormous butcher shop for seafood. I now realize that my thinking was basically the equivalent of this: "I love steak, let me check out a slaughterhouse." Yeah, bad logic.

Sure it is probably good for all of us to see where our food is killed. I think many of us would quickly become vegetarians. In fact, as I walked around Tsukiji I thought to myself, "People who eat fish yet call themselves vegetarians need to come to this place." To get what I mean, watch this video: